Oh if I were gay, how you’d have known it all along.
I wouldn’t hide it, deny it, tell you lies about it.
I’d scream it in your face, I’d write it on my arms
I’d bring it to the church, I’d bellow happy songs,
I would laugh at your disgust, joke to all your friends,
And say that I lie deeper than my skin.
But there is no fault in how I’m made,
Perfect like my God who sits in outer space,
Whether I am a man or have a hand with a man,
I’m your son, and I will not run any different race.
You cannot condemn, pretend, or descend to thoughts
That you are greater, you are cleaner, you are better.
But for those that are, I’ll end your gross havoc,
And wrap my arms in a colorful straitjacket,
Because I’m the same despite the pain of your disdain
That lives inside your pious hide beneath your walleyed snide.
I could rate your hate among hypocritical deadweight,
But I was told to love so I will love all despite their ways.