Our mouths do all the talking
They’re the most powerful being in the body
The tongue that is
Surrounded by the walls of teeth and gums
The tongue is the strongest muscle man has
But experts are wrong if they stop
There because the tongue also has a brain
He says what he wants when he thinks it
Moreover has he a stomach as well
Craving all sorts of things like a meal or another tongue
Even a pair of legs too, since he speaks words that
Take man down past paths and future roads
The tongue always wants to be satisfied
And what he wills will be satisfied because
When he’s hungry I eat
When he’s thirsty I drink
When he’s tired I yawn
When he’s inspired I sing
When he’s mad I swear
When he’s sad I wail
When he’s confused I question
The tongue is my master and he says he is lonely
And I don’t know what to do when he is lonely
Other than all these other things.
So I’ll eat and drink and yawn and sing and swear and wail and question
Until the tongue is satisfied by what I give it to taste.