Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Life is experienced in Spring and Summer
When your perenial joy is awakened
And every morning you are crowned
With sunlight, decorated with the dew of the grass.
Flying three sheets to the wind
Ballads of laughter dance on your lips,
While cumulus dreams number the night.
All of the roses scream romance
And even impatiens patiently yield a passionate kiss.
The cedar's secrets reveal pillows of vanilla white smoke
That you are apt to follow if you so dare,
Encouraged to pursue if it so suits you.

Bring a partner then, a bird from the nest,
Because what good is a good absent of two?
But please I beg, expect the fog to unfold,
Unraveling forth that summer down pour,
That could just bore a wintry mix of the mind,
Washing away your thrill of high tide;
Think of the lilies – though planted as bulbs underground
Their petals break cold ground
In a tall floral posture into salient feats we can achieve.
Yes, though the cold falls hard, August is barely begun
And even in Fall, the orchards don't give way!
The fruit of the laborous persistance is ripe for picking,
The flowers in your hair still there for the seeking.

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